Fund Management & Account Administration
Meticulously managing project schedules and compliance
PathForward Consulting manages the investment and safekeeping of millions of dollars dedicated to environmental protection. Our accounting and finance team maintains a strong financial control environment. We understand the specific requirements of Trusts, PRP Groups and individual clients when it comes to establishing and managing funds for addressing environmental liabilities.
We prioritize flexibility, security, and comprehensive documentation to fulfill the diverse fund administration needs of our clients. We maintain close collaborations with various financial institutions and have nurtured strong banking relationships that allow us to deliver cost-effective fund management and administration services.
Our team develops investment policy statements, establishment of funds/trusts, reconciliation of bank accounts, handles cash management and cash calls, fund disbursements, budget preparation and compliance, reconciliations, financial reporting (monthly/quarterly/annual), budget tracking, and tax preparation.
With our expertise and experience, we ensure that your trust funds are administered in a manner that meets regulatory requirements and supports the successful execution of environmental projects.
Fund related services include:
Establishment of Bank Accounts, Including Fund and Investment Vehicles
Accounts management
Budget preparation and approval
Invoice tracking, approval and payment
Monthly Bank Account(s) Reconciliation
Assessments/Cash Calls
Accounts Payable
Financial Reporting (Monthly / Quarterly / Annual / Other)
Tax Preparation/Filing